I have sat for days funneling through my thoughts and feelings in the wake of such sadness and confusion, trying to make some sense out of all that has happened over the last few months.
I remember not so long ago watching images from Italy of sickness and death and reports that this is a picture of what's to come. It was hard to not let fear set in as we heard about a shortage of hospital beds and ventilators. In what seemed like a blink of an eye, our country was shut down and lock downs began. Suddenly our speech became about the number of cases, death tolls, flattening curves, job loss, unemployment and small business closures. Hurting people everywhere fighting not to lose hope, yet honoring those willing to risk their lives to help the hurting.
Our world seemed to be unified for a minute. A minute...
Then that moment. The moment that sparked violence and destruction across our country. Our speech turned to injustice, division, murder, and racism. As I write through tears, it's hard to find the words to describe the pain I feel in my heart. As I watch the world turn upside down in sadness and destruction, I find myself on the road to Emmaus.
In the Gospel of Luke chapter 24, Luke tells us about this day. Three days after the crucifixion, two of Jesus' followers were walking on the road to Emmaus. As they walked, they talked through sadness about all that had happened.
So as it was, while they conversed and reasoned, that Jesus Himself drew near and went with them. (vs15 NKJV)
I love that. Jesus was already with them, and in their sadness and confusion, He drew near.
Scripture tells us their eyes were restrained. They didn't recognize Him. They had previously followed him but now they were blinded to who He was. They felt hopeless in their circumstances and what seemed senseless and tragic in their eyes.
On the road to Emmaus, Jesus took a seven mile walk with two guys. Two guys who were sad and confused. They felt hopeless; He drew near. They were confused; He carefully unveiled revelations of Himself through Scripture. Jesus walked with them. He listened. He cared. He shared. But most importantly, He offered Himself.
In their time together, Jesus had reminded them of what they already knew. Grief and fear and shattered dreams had blinded them to the truth. As they shared a meal, Jesus blessed and broke bread with them, opening their eyes. Hope was alive.
Their response was tangible—
“Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?"(vs32 NKJV).
Even when they didn't know it was Jesus, He consumed their hearts. They ran back to Jerusalem, found the eleven disciples, and told them all that they saw.
Jesus Himself was suddenly standing among them, "Peace be with you." (vs36 NLT)
And He opened their understanding, reminding them of who He was and why He came.
Father, Today we need to be reminded that you are in control. Bring unity as only You can. Consume our hearts. Draw near to us as we draw near to You. Give us Your eyes to see through the brokenness around us. Remind us of Your love and who You are. Bind up the brokenhearted. Reveal our hearts so we turn from our wicked ways. Help us to embrace each other. May we stand firm against injustice and stand up for righteousness and justice for all in You. Help us stand against division. Give us compassion. Make us question askers and intentional about getting to know each other as we honor the beauty in our differences. We welcome You in this place,