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Writer's pictureJena Rainone Smith


Updated: Aug 15, 2020

Most of us put forgiveness into categories. I know I have. First, there are the little things like being disrespectful or saying something hurtful. Those kinds of things seem forgivable.  But then there’s the big things like being lied to or betrayed. Those, well not so much.

The concept of forgiveness in most cases seems doable, right? Sure, until you actually have to do it. Forgiveness, to be necessary, first requires love. And love, to be true, requires a choice.

Let’s look at romantic love. It’s exciting. We “fall” in love and that “feeling” drives us. We can’t get enough of each other.  Sleep is unnecessary. Eating, who needs food!

But what happens when it goes beyond falling and feeling. When someone you love betrays you? Betrayal cuts to the core of your being. Betrayal hurts, but it doesn’t nullify love.

 It is at times like these that we learn God’s definition of love.

All the way back to the Garden God shows us Love, Betrayal, and Forgiveness. In Genesis 1 God says, “Let’s make man in our image, in our likeness…” God was alive and living through man. In Genesis 2 God said don’t eat of the tree – dying thou shall surly die. They ate and died spiritually. God the Holy Spirit no longer resided with their human spirit.  I heard a Pastor put it this way, “they remained bodily alive, soulishly active, but spiritually dead.” But God…. covered them.  A picture of Jesus.

This is what God does with His children.  We spend most of our lives living independently of Him. And if I’m going to honest, as much as I spend time seeking Him, I struggle with doing things my way instead of His.

When I’m hurt or scared, I react. I’m like a cat who is in self-protection mode.  Use your imagination. Not a pretty picture! But God….

I have been hurt so deeply by someone I love. And I reacted badly. But I also saw God. I saw Him in the pain and brokenness of the both of us. I saw Him in the regret. But I especially saw Him in the forgiveness.

It’s been said that you will never be more like Jesus than when you extend forgiveness. God allows the conflict and provides the opportunity. Forgiveness and love go together. 

With Jesus, I could forgive a debt that I, in my own strength, never believed I could. It seems strange to say, but that was the moment I was sure that the Holy Spirit lives in me.

God reveals treasure in the darkness.

Forgiveness is an act of Love. Love covers shame. That’s what God does for me and so commands I do for others.

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