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Writer's picture: Jena Rainone SmithJena Rainone Smith

Updated: Jun 6, 2022

Chaos. It's ALL around us. I believe it's partly because we ALL have an opinion about everything. I also believe that we are ALL worshiping something, because we were ALL created to worship.

So the question is not, are you worshiping? The question is, what are you worshiping? And is that worship temporary or eternal? The willingness to fight for the worshiped usually depends on the understanding and commitment to that which is being worshiped. 

Some people are very passionate about their cause. Others use the platform to force agendas. And still others know little of what the fight is actually about, but fight still the same. They seem to be willing to give up everything. While I see this as noble in some cases, I see it as destructive in others. 

The desire to stand for something is a thread woven into each of us by our Creator, but is tainted by sin. At the genesis of creation, we've made a decision to be our own god. From the Garden, to the Tower, to the Cross, and all the way to today.

In the book of Acts, Paul is speaking to the leaders of Athens,

"For as I walk through the city....I even found an inscription on one altar that read, 'To the Unknown God.' 

I have come to introduce you to this God whom you worship without even knowing anything about him. The true God is the Creator of all things....

He supplies life and breath and all things to every living being.... 

From one man, Adam, he made every man and woman and every race of humanity, and he spread us all over the earth. He sets the boundaries of people and nations, determining their appointed times in history. 

He has done this so that every person would long for God, feel their way to him--for he is the God who is easy to discover. It is through him that we live and function and have our identity....'Our lineage comes from Him.'"  (Acts 17:23-28)

And from Him comes the One in whom He would save the world; the One the Father had given authority over everything. The One who loved His disciples to the very end; who took off His robe, wrapped a towel around His waist, poured water in a basin and washed man's dirty, smelly feet. 

Read the last sentence again with this thought in mind--this applied also to the disciple He knew would later betray him. What?! 

Jesus had His eyes, not on Himself, but on His love for the Father and His love for His creation. The God of the Universe, incarnate, washed sin filled feet! The feet, scripture says, of those He loved to the very end.

Jesus said, "So if I'm your teacher and lord and have just washed your dirty feet, then you should follow the example that I've set for you and wash one another's dirty feet. Now do for each other what I have done for you." (John 13:14-15)

Why? To lead us. To love us. And to teach us how to love others. As Acts 17:27 says above, "He has done this so that every person would long for God, feel their way to him"

That's the agenda. It was never meant to be a 'me' agenda. His agenda is to stand for, to fight for, to live for and to die for.  Fighting from this lens doesn't take away from the importance of the agenda, it just changes the focus. And changing the focus, changes everything.

For us, it's upside down thinking. How do we do it? How do we take our eyes off ourselves and off our demanding agendas? How do we love each other like that? Because if we can't love each other, how in the world can we love those who are hurting? 

Jesus said to abide in Him, because apart from Him we can do nothing. For me, this is a minute by minute process. I can't love like that, but if I keep my eyes on Him, maybe He can love through me.

We will always make mistakes and find ourselves in need of forgiveness; and many times we will have to be the forgiver. But true worship is following in Jesus's footsteps.

How can they hear the message of life if there is no one there to proclaim it? God determined our appointed time in history.... for such a time as this. 

I want to be a foot washer. How about you? 

Jesus lead the way. Break our hearts for what breaks yours. 

This, I believe, is the only remedy to the chaos in the world. 



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