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Writer's pictureJena Rainone Smith


Updated: Mar 29, 2024

I sat with a plethora of emotions yesterday while looking out the window at gray skies, remembering the cross.

I heard over and over again in my mind the mockers passing by—

"He saved others," they said, "but he can't save himself! Let this Messiah, the king of Israel, come down now from the cross, that we may see and believe" (see Mark 15:31-32)

They wanted a sign in order to believe. They didn't realize it, but it was there in their very own words, "he saved others." They knew, yet they didn't believe.

What would it take for them?

They mocked and ridiculed. They beat Him and nailed Him to a cross. God incarnate took the beating for them—and for you and for me. After all, we would have done the same. In fact, we have. However, remember, no one took His life but He willingly gave it.

God provided a way for us to be reconciled with Him, and that way was the cross. John put it this way, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (vs 3:16)

Faith is more than simply believing with your mind. Believe, as Johns states it, means to commit unto. And to be committed to Christ is to make Him Lord of your life. He sets the boundaries. Faith is following Him wherever He may lead, whether or we like the path He chooses.

In a day when there is so much hate, self righteousness, self love and loathing, we have a God who knew just how depraved we'd become—

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Rom 5:8)

Good Friday is a day to remember. Remembering is so important. We need to feel the weight of sin, especially our own. If we don't realize what we've been forgiven, we will have no need for a Savior. Oh don't misunderstand me, we all need a Savior, but the choice is still ours to make—follow or not; Jesus's covering or your own merit. Choose wisely, your very life depends on it.

Salvation is free to us, but it certainly wasn't free. Jesus paid a great price for you. Without Friday, we wouldn't have Sunday. And that particular Sunday was the greatest day in history—Resurrection Day; the day Jesus defeated sin and conquered death.

But today; today is Saturday. Saturday is a day of contemplation. For those of us who have chosen to commit unto Him, we wait with bated breath Sunday's celebration, knowing that the tomb is empty! And we shout with praise, He has risen indeed!

How about you? What does this Sunday mean to you? Will it be bunnies and eggs, and chicks and chocolate? Or will you posture yourself toward the One who paid it all for you?

Come on, look at the picture, even the bunny knows!

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